• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Providing feeders or feeder vehicles is one of the efforts to increase public interest in riding the South Sumatra LRT. There have been seven corridors in operation since December 2022. The Palembang City Government is in charge of Corridors 1 and 2. Meanwhile, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) is funding the rest.

According to BPKARSS Public Relations Officer Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor, the seven corridors are currently located in densely populated areas of the community. Corridor 1 connects Talang Kelapa and Talang Baruk. Corridor 2 runs from St. Asrama Haji to Sematang Borang. Jalan Asrama Haji-Talang Betutu, Corridor 3. 

Jalan Polresta-Komplek Perum.OPI, Corridor 4. Jalan DJKA-Terminal Plaju, Corridor 5. Jalan RSUD-Sukawinatan, Corridor 6. And Stadium Kamboja-Bukit Sigantang Corridor 7.

"The corridor's selection has been approved by the study." "And the pockets are indeed crammed with passengers," he said. According to data through October 2023, the average daily feeder passenger is 5.885 people. 60% of these passengers use the LRT. "This is an increase from June-July, when we had 58 percent of passengers," he said.

The presence of the feeder, according to Fajar, also aided many people in their activities. According to Bintang Putra. After getting off DJKA and continuing his journey to Tegal Binangun, the man who works every day frequently uses the feeder. "As a result, it is extremely beneficial. "Because I always take the LRT," he explained.

He advised South Sumatra LRT on how to manage this feeder, including increasing the number of feeder angkots and beginning to stop ordinary angkots. "As a result, residents want to use the South Sumatra LRT." And start increasing public awareness to use integrative public transportation," he said.

On the other hand, one of the South Sumatra LRT feeder drivers, Agus, said that passengers who ride the feeder are most crowded when leaving and returning from work. They generally get off from DJKA station to continue and travel through corridor 5. "I usually wait 5 minutes. Before 5 minutes, it must be full," he said.


He hopes that the government will continue to support feeder efforts in reaching the public to ride the LRT. In addition to maintaining the existing 7 corridors, he hopes there will also be more corridors or feeder units to serve the wider community.

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