• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, was accompanied by the Mayor of Palembang, the Deputy Chair of the South Sumatra Regional Legislative Council, the Director of LLAKA and the Head of the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Center who attended the inauguration of the South Sumatra Angkot Feeder LRT with electric engines at the Palembang Hajj Dormitory yard, Saturday (27/08). This inauguration is a series of activities from the working visit of the Minister of Transportation in Palembang City for two days.

On this occasion, the Minister of Transportation explained that this public transportation LRT feeder positively impacts the occupancy of South Sumatra LRT passengers. "After the inauguration of the public transportation LRT feeder last July, the South Sumatra LRT passengers recorded an increase of 25%," he said. "Soon, five more feeders will be added. And later, it will be equipped with ten feeders" he continued. With the existence of these feeders, it is expected that it will attract the interest of the people of Palembang to return to using public transportation. The plan is that next year 2023, there will be an additional 26 units of public transportation LRT feeders, six of which are cars with electric power. With the LRT feeder with electric power, this is an environmentally friendly vehicle solution.

This electric-powered public transportation feeder can be used to run a distance of up to 300 km if the battery is 100% full or 42 kWh. Charging the battery itself is quite fast; it only takes 2.5 hours with fast charging, so the battery is fully recharged. The facilities and speed of this feeder are the same as feeders with fuel oil with a maximum speed of 50 km per hour and are equipped with two CCTVs, namely CCTV on the back of the car to monitor passengers and CCTV on the front to monitor the driver.

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