• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) is giving a promotion for the people of Palembang city by giving free tickets to ride the LRT in celebration of the 1340th anniversary of Palembang city which is on 17 June 2023. Head of BPAKRSS, Rode Paulus said, the free LRT ride is a gratitude and gift given to the community when Palembang City celebrates its anniversary.

People who want to ride the LRT on 17 June, can simply come to the counter at the LRT station. And will be given a ticket for free without any requirements.  

"On June 17, during operational time from morning to night, people can ride the LRT for free. They will be given a ticket without charge," said Rode when confirmed on Wednesday, 14 June 2023.

Even for people who hold cashless cards, LRT payments will not be charged.

"We also will not cut the card, just scan it directly," he said.

Riding the LRT for free is also part of a national movement that invites people to return to public transportation rather than taking private vehicles.

"We invite public transportation enthusiasts."Our goal is to get them enthusiastic about taking public transportation ever again," he added.

Currently, the number of daily passengers on the South Sumatra LRT in 2023 is be higher compared to 2022. In one day, the average number of passengers is around 11 thousand.

"On weekdays, the range is 10,000 passengers per day. But if it's a weekend (Saturday-Sunday) up to 12 thousand passengers can be carried in one day. While last year the average was only 8 thousand passengers," he said.

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