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Operation Software Update Almost Completed, Jabodebek LRT Ready to Continue Trial with Passengers

Jakarta (26/07) - The Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) ensures that the Jabodebek LRT operating software update is almost complete and ready for limited trials with passengers. This was conveyed in an evaluation meeting on Tuesday night, 25 July 2023.

Director General of Railways, Risal Wasal said that currently the Jabodebek LRT operation software update process has entered the stage of perfecting the integration system between the facility and the Passenger Screen Door (PSD) door located on the station platform. "Earlier, it was also tried for the train to move and stop on the platform, thank God it is smoother and more comfortable than during the trial yesterday," Risal added.

Software updates carried out on Jabodebek LRT include updates to the Automatic Train Supervison (ATS) and Trainguard Mass Transit (TMGT) systems that play a role in regulating the distance, and intervals between trains when operated in driveless mode. Both systems are required in train operations with Grade of Automation (GoA) level 3 to ensure the safety and security of train travel.

To ensure the system readiness after the software update, DJKA will also carry out system integration testing on July 27-28, 2023, before Jabodebek LRT is declared ready to transport public passengers. "We will review the results of the trial run conducted by fellow operators first while waiting for the process of improving the platform door integration system to be completed for the entire facility," Risal said.

If the entire process of preparation, testing, and trial runs goes smoothly, Risal hopes that it can be continued immediately with limited passenger trials. "Please give us your blessings and support so that we can carry out this operational preparation optimally so that the general public can immediately experience the Jabodebek LRT," Risal concluded. (DA/HJA)

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