• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Bandung – The Directorate General of Railways has carried out Compensation Payments to residents affected by the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi Cross Railroad Double Track in Batutulis and Empang Villages, South Bogor District, West Java. The activity which took place since Monday (02/03) went smoothly.

On this occasion, Erni Basri, Head of the West Java Regional Railway Engineering Center expressed his gratitude for the Government's support for this activity, "Alhamdulillah, the Government provides full support to the community, hopefully with the construction of the Bogor - Sukabumi double track, especially in the Batu Tulis area, it will be more can be reorganized and the community can directly contribute to construction activities.”

Erni explained that there were a total of 713 fields paid for this week with a total value paid of Rp.15.7 billion. Previously, in the 2019 and 2020 Fiscal Years, compensation payments were made in 8 (eight) villages/kelurahan out of a total of 10 (ten) villages/kelurahan in Bogor City and Bogor Regency. The total land parcels affected are 2177 parcels of which 1464 land parcels have been paid for. The villages that are included in the 2021 Fiscal Year are Batu Tulis Village and Empang Village. Of the total 196 plots of land, 195 plots of land were paid for the payment of compensation in Batu Tulis Village and the remaining 1 parcel of land had not been paid because the owner was unable to attend.

Heri Eryadi, the Village Head of Batutulis also expressed his appreciation for the payment of compensation money that was held this time, "I am very grateful to PT KAI and the Ministry of Transportation, thank God the residents of Batu Tulis have received spiritual money which God willing, will be used as well as possible. Almost 70% of the Batu Tulis affected by this double track project will be independently relocated to the Bojongkerta Village area," said Heri.

Heri also hopes that if the double track project is completed so that it can be fenced to anticipate land grabbing by residents so that there are no more illegal buildings standing on government land and he also hopes that the double track can encourage people to use public transportation so that it can break down congestion.

One of the residents who received the compensation money, Eti Nurhayati said, “I also appreciate this double-track railway construction project, which is important for the benefit of residents and their children and grandchildren. Thank God for replacement according to the condition of the house. That's the sustenance, the important thing is to be healthy and to be given more sustenance from Allah," said Eti.

Another resident who received Mamat's compensation, also added that "I support, I hope the project goes well, for the replacement according to my situation, he also hopes that this double track project can be beneficial for all parties".

Another thing was also conveyed by Mrs. Euis "It's good for tidying, because we live at PT KAI," said Euis who was met after the payment of compensation for residents affected by the double track development in Batutulis Village.

Referring to Presidential Decree No. 62 of 2018 concerning Handling Community Social Impacts in the Context of Providing Land for National Development Article 8 paragraph (3) that the amount of compensation is calculated based on the assessment of an independent party in this case the Integrated Team has appointed a Public Appraisal Service Office to calculate the amount compensation by taking into account the cost of cleaning everything above the land, mobilization, house rent for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months and/or allowance for loss of income from land use. Based on this description, the amount of compensation for each plot of land is very varied.

Bandung, March 2021

Regards, PR,


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