• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Jakarta (23/01) - On 17 January 2024, the Directorate General of Railways has carried out the signing of the 2024 Performance Agreement, Integrity Pact and Risk Management Charter in the Nanggala Room, Cipta Building, Ministry of Transportation. 

The stipulation of the Performance Agreement is part of the implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP). Basically, this agreement is an agreement and commitment between the leader of the higher work unit and the leader of the lower work unit to achieve measurable work targets based on duties, functions, authority, and available resources.

The performance agreement itself refers to the Strategic Plan and budget documents each year. The performance agreement is equipped with an integrity pact and risk management charter as a benchmark for the success of the work unit in conducting evaluations, taking the necessary actions, including in the context of providing rewards and sanctions. 

The main purpose of this activity is to strengthen integrity in carrying out duties, functions, authorities, and roles in accordance with laws and regulations and the ability not to commit corruption, collusion and nepotism. As well as increasing the effectiveness of risk management implementation and minimizing the impact that becomes an obstacle in ensuring the achievement of the goals and objectives of work units within the Directorate General of Railways.

The event began with singing the Indonesia Raya song, followed by the transportation hymn. After that, the event was opened by the Head of Planning Section, Directorate General of Railways, who submitted an activity report, then continued with remarks from the Director General of Railways. 

The event continued with the signing of the Performance Agreement, Integrity Pact and Risk Management Charter Year 2024 carried out by Echelon II Work Units and Centers within the Directorate General of Railways, accompanied by a group photo afterwards. The event continued with the signing of tiered Performance Agreements and Integrity Pacts of all Administrator / Supervisory / Functional Officers and all ASN in stages as mandated by PM 85/2020 and also monitoring the implementation of risk management periodically. 

After that, the delivery of strategic achievements of railway development results in 2023 by the Director General of Railways, along with several notes on the implementation of programs and activities in 2023, will become material for joint evaluation in the future so that implementation in 2024 can have an optimal impact in achieving the targets of National Priorities, Economic Growth, and People's Welfare as well as the importance of improving railway safety to achieve zero accidents. The event ended with a video screening of the Directorate General of Railways' Performance Achievements.


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