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The Importance of SOP as a Catalyst for SMN Utilization

Grobogan – Director of Railway Facilities, Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Suranto wants a holistic State-Owned Railway Facilities (SMN) management system, specifically covering procedures related to the mechanism for using SMN. The system is written and realized in the form of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) documents and their derivatives.

"SOPs must exist to support the use of SMN, pay attention to its integration, because the condition of SMN must also be monitored closely, so that SMN can be used more optimally," said Suranto.

The official in charge of the State-Owned Railway Facilities, conveyed his instructions during an official visit to the Railway Maintenance Center, Grobogan, Central Java, Saturday (8/4/2023).

Present together with top officials in the Directorate of Railway Facilities, Suranto was welcomed directly by the Head of the Railway Maintenance Office, M Andi Hary Murty.

On that occasion, Suranto invited the ranks of the Railway Maintenance Center to initiate the management of State Property (BMN) under the management of the Balai so that they would be more productive in contributing to the State.

"There are two problems with assets, the first is that assets are administratively registered as BMN, the second is how to make these assets productive, one of which can be collaborated with other parties," explained Suranto.

The number one person in the Directorate of Railway Facilities, came with the Head of the Region II Feasibility Sub-Directorate Catur Wicaksono, the Head of the Facility Procurement Section, a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) along with his staff and ranks.

In the discussion forums, Suranto explored a lot of information about the special Railway Care Center regarding asset management including workshop facilities and railway facilities. While exchanging ideas, it appears that the Director of Railway Facilities is trying to investigate the potential for Railway Maintenance Centers that can still be developed, including regarding the duties and functions in the field of utilization of the railway sector's assets.

Many messages were conveyed by the Director of Railway Facilities in an effort to utilize BMN assets, the key is to have an inventory of work mechanisms related to this matter, to become SOP documents according to the portion of organizational needs and goals to be achieved. Suranto repeatedly mentioned SOP terminology in his talks before the forum. This shows the importance of support and the existence of SOPs in the context of the current Railway Maintenance Center.

For information, the Railway Maintenance Center manages various BMN assets which include workshop facilities for maintenance of railway facilities, a number of railway facility units, then there is also supporting equipment for the maintenance of railway facilities, and other potential assets that can generate Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). All Railway Maintenance Center facilities have been built to support the performance of railway maintenance. In development according to the master plan that has been prepared, the Ngrombo Workshop Railway Maintenance Center facility will be supported by additional facilities at several points in other locations.

In addition, the execution of the management of railway facilities in the field must be carried out properly, carried out with the spirit of optimal maintenance. Railway Maintenance Offices must pay attention to technical factors related to railway facilities that are ready for operation.

The Director of Railway Facilities also mentioned the plan for the Railway Maintenance Center to manage the Jebres Surakarta KRL Depot as one of the active facilities for maintenance of railway facilities. For this reason, the Railway Maintenance Center is required to explore its potential in relation to the management of facility maintenance services in the railway sector.

Seeing the instructions of the Director of Railway Facilities, the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center M Andi Hary Murty, conveyed several efforts that he had made in response to the request of the Director of Railway Facilities, one of which was to propose changes or improvements to ministerial regulations relating to the organizational structure of the Railway Maintenance Office.

"Earlier, you conveyed the importance of preparing SOPs, especially regarding the use of SMN, that the Railway Maintenance Office has proposed to the Secretariat General of Railways to change some of the Balai's tusi clauses, and adjust the organizational structure, especially in the work unit organs of the maintenance section of the railway sector," explained Andi in response to the Director of Railway Facilities' directions. in a discussion session in the Railway Maintenance Office Hall prior to the implementation of field survey activities.

Efforts to prepare SOP documents for the use of railway facilities, as Suranto meant, will be released soon after several formal legal foundations have been adjusted based on Balai's needs. Because several years after the construction of the maintenance infrastructure for the railway facilities, Balai then directly touched on the preparation of work procedures related to the maintenance of the railway facilities. On the other hand, the work sector related to the use of railway facilities has been seriously worked on since the last year, both in the form of promotional work to various stakeholders as well as preparing work structures and mechanisms for later implementation in the field.

During his first visit to the Ngrombo Workshop, Suranto had the opportunity to review all the workshop facilities accompanied by the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Office. Activities are still carried out by prioritizing work safety, by wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) facilities, by wearing helmets and safety vests.

He approached the railway facilities at the Railway Care Center one by one. During the coverage in the field, the echelon official at the Ministry of Transportation took the time to get into the inspection train which was stabling in the Ngrombo Workshop building.

The agenda for the visit and inspection in the field went well, with the existing facilities in the workshop environment. Almost all the existing railway facilities at the Ngrombo Workshop were seen by the Director of Railway Facilities. In the workshop area, Suranto entered the treatment facility to see the facilities and equipment inside. It can be seen that the railway facilities are lined up on the stabling track in the Ngrombo Workshop building, let's say there is the Multi Tie Tamper, CC 300 Hydraulic Diesel Locomotive, Measuring Train, Inspection Train, Flat Car, and Bridge Inspection Car (BIC). The last mentioned railway facility caught the attention of the Director of Railway Facilities. Had stood on the edge of the BIC which was stabling at the end of the second rail line for the Ngrombo Workshop, and was seen asking several things to the Head of the Railway Maintenance Office.

Ending his visit, the Director of Railway Facilities took time to take a group photo in front of the distinctive yellow measuring train, which is in the central room of the Railway Maintenance Workshop. The agenda for the visit lasted for approximately three hours, the group arrived at the Ngrombo Workshop location at nine in the morning directly from Jakarta, leaving just before twelve in the afternoon. (yogo)

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