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Train Facility Inspector Training Participants "Inspection" Baperka Rail Facilities

Grobogan – Wednesday afternoon (8/3/2023) the Madiun Indonesian Railways Polytechnic (PPI) group arrived at the Ngrombo Worskhop area, the Railway Maintenance Center. PPI Madiun came with the participants of the Railway Facility Inspector Training.

The Madiun PPI team accompanied the Training participants to practice as a Railway Facility Inspector. The Railway Maintenance Center facilitates four types of railway facilities as the work object of the Railway Facilities Inspector, covering four categories of railway facilities, consisting of Locomotives, Trains, Carriage and Special Equipment.

The Madiun PPI delegation was led by Dimas Adi Perwira, during the activity Dimas gave a statement, the implementation of the PKL Inspector of Railway Facilities at the Railway Maintenance Center was part of a series of Training that participants had to undergo. "The Railway Facility Inspector Training is a PPI Madiun program, at the initiative of the Directorate General of Safety, the Director General of Railways, the participants are representatives from UPT or work units under the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation," explained Dimas.

In particular, PPI Madiun cooperates with the Railway Maintenance Center in the activities of PKL Inspector of Railway Facilities. According to Dimas, this activity is a simulation of inspecting railroad facilities, so what is needed is a place that has railroad facilities, one of which is the one at the Railway Maintenance Center, "a place like the Ngrombo Workshop, the facilities (railway) are very complete, so based on that consideration Street vendors can carry out a simulation inspection of existing facilities at the Railway Maintenance Center," concluded Dimas.

During field observations during reporting, the training participants were divided into four groups representing the four categories of facilities. The Locomotive Group conducted an inspection of the CC 300 Locomotive facilities which were stabling at the washing facilities, south of the railway maintenance workshop building.

All PKL participants and the Railroad Treatment Center accompanying team are seen carrying out the obligation to always wear complete PPE throughout the implementation of activities, including standard helmets and safety vests for participants who are not wearing field service clothing.

The train group uses the inspection object on the Official Train series outside the workshop building and the Measuring Train as well as the Inspection Train inside the workshop building, then the carriage group is directed to see the stabling flat carriage facilities in the area of ​​track number six and number seven on the side east of the Ngrombo Workshop building. There are two sets of flat carriages that can be used by participants. Meanwhile, special equipment groups can utilize the Multi Tie Tamper (MTT) facility which is stabling alongside the CC 300 Locomotive.

The participants carried out their duties properly as Inspectors of Railway Facilities, each of them holding a check sheet which was used to check the condition of the railway facilities.

The parameters used in the inspection are almost the same between the categories of railway facilities, starting from the upper frame of the facility to the lower frame of the facility including the measurement of the wheel profile of the facility. The thing that differentiates is the special character attached to the function of the facility. Participants who are on a self-propelled railway facility will explore not only the profile of the facility's components, but also the control functions in the facility's wheelhouse.

Railway facility horns are often sounded during practical inspection activities, as well as indicators of other functions such as lights, wiper functions, engine oil indicators and other parameters.

The CC 300 locomotive group was also given the opportunity to operate facilities for short and limited distances.

So that the practice of inspection activities obtained by the participants is quite complete, starting from checking the facilities through physical visual appearance, both the physical components driving the wheels and those related to the engine driving the facilities, checking the control functions of the facilities including things that are electrical in nature, to checking the condition the means are moving dynamically, although limited to a certain distance.

Inspection practice activities on railway facilities did not experience problems even though at the same time the weather suddenly rained with quite heavy intensity, because the participants could still practice on stabling railway facilities in the maintenance workshop building.

For information, the Ngrombo Workshop has two main areas for maintenance of railway facilities, indoors and outdoors. The indoor facility is located in an enclosed building with four parallel rail lines (spoors). The outdoor facility is located on the east side of the building with four rail lines as well, but separate from the four existing spoors in the workshop building, so that in total the Railway Maintenance Center has eight rail lines for the maintenance of railway facilities. (yogo)

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