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Monitoring and Evaluation of the Use of Domestic Production Improvement Program (P3DN) 2023

The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Railways (through the Planning Section) is holding a Monitoring and Evaluation of the Use of Domestic Production Improvement Program (P3DN) for Fiscal Year 2023 in Surabaya City which lasts for 2 days, this is in line with Presidential Instruction Number 2/2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of Micro, Small and Cooperative Enterprises and the Success of the National Movement Proud of Made in Indonesia in the Implementation of Government Goods/Services.

The progress of filling SIRUP for Fiscal Year 2023 of the Directorate General of Railways based on DIPA FY 2023 which consists of a Goods & Capital Expenditure Pool of Rp. 7.29 Trillion, where the progress of filling has reached 95%.

The total general plan for procurement at the Directorate General of Railways FY 2023 is Rp. 6.81 trillion, which is the value of the ceiling for goods & capital expenditure based on data in the General Procurement Plan Information System application (SIRUP LKPP).

Procurement through providers amounted to 97,9% or Rp.6,67 trillion of the total Rp.6,81 trillion. The allocation of Domestic Product (PDN) commitments announced in the SIRUP LKPP application amounted to 93,8% or Rp.6,26 trillion of the total procurement expenditure through providers, while Non-PDN with a percentage of 6,2% or Rp.410,4 billion.

At present, the progress of absorption of Domestic Product (PDN) spending in the Directorate General of Railways work unit has an overall achievement of 17,43%, being the bottom 3 out of a total of 9 Echelon I work units within the Ministry of Transportation.

Some of the obstacles faced by both work units and work units inputting TKDN values and the progress of absorption of PDN Expenditures, among others:

  1. There are several packages that are double counting when inputting the TKDN value.
  2. LKPP and Bigbox LKPP applications are still not integrated with each other.
  3. Packages that have not yet been contracted become an obstacle because they cannot be recapitulated inputting or calculating the progress of PDN absorption.

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