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Reaching Out to International Consultants: DJKA Optimistic that Jabodebek LRT Wheel Repair Acceleration Can Be Realized

Jakarta (18/11) - The Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation is collaborating with Systra, an international consultant, to investigate the obstacles experienced by the Jabodebek LRT. This is done to accelerate the recovery of services that were disrupted

.Director General of Railways, Risal Wasal said that Systra's involvement is expected to provide comprehensive input on overcoming problems with the Jabodebek LRT wheels. "We want to focus on solutions to address the obstacles that occur so that 7,5-minute headway can be immediately realized," Risal said on Saturday,18 November 2023 in Jakarta.

In reference to the mitigation efforts, Risal stated that the wheel-turning procedure is still in progress and should be finished shortly. Moreover, according to Risal, the operator has procured additional lathes to speed up the wheel repair process.

Furthermore, Risal explained that the handling that had been carried out in addition to turning the wheels was to refine the surface profile and provide lubricant liquid to the Jabodebek LRT rail. "Alhamdulillah, after grinding and lubrication, there is no worn wheel so the trainset (TS) that is currently operating is in a safe condition and does not need to be replaced," Risal explained.

As for the worn-out wheels of the Jabodebek LRT, Risal said that similar cases had occurred in other countries and similar treatments were carried out. "In the past, cases like this occurred in Athens and Colombia and were completed after grinding and lubricating, so we make sure that Jabodebek LRT is currently in a safe condition," Risal continued.

In addition, Risal also expressed his appreciation to Jabodebek LRT users who continue to support shifting from private vehicles to public transportation. This can be seen from the surge in Jabodetabek KRL passengers at Jabodetabek LRT integrated stations such as Sudirman Station and Cawang Station, amounting to 35% since Jabodetabek LRT was operated. 

"DJKA will continue to strive for additional TS to accommodate passenger demand so that the community can be served better and faster," Risal concluded. (DA/HJA/JM)

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