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Approving Limited Trial of KCJB, DJKA requests KCIC to ensure passenger safety

Jakarta (15/09) - In order to support the limited trial of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train, the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation has issued an Approval Letter for the Limited Operation Trial of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) on Thursday 14 September 2023. Through this letter, DJKA also emphasized that Indonesia-China High Speed Train (KCIC) must ensure the safety of passengers who will participate in this limited trial in accordance with applicable regulations.

Director General of Railways Risal Wasal said that safety aspects in accordance with the Railway Safety Management System (SMKP) must be fulfilled by KCIC. "We require the President Director of PT KCIC to guarantee and be fully responsible for the safety of KCJB's travel operations and the compliance of SMKP during the limited trial period," said Risal.

Apart from a statement letter from the President Director of PT KCIC, Risal also requires that all passengers who will take part in the KCJB limited trial are insured.

Furthermore, before the KCJB limited operation trial is held, Risal emphasized that PT KCIC can provide certainty and adequacy of human resources and SOPs for operation, inspection and maintenance. "We also require that the readiness of this trial operation must also be supported by independent test results which include Static Test, Dynamic Test, Final Acceptance Test and Operation Safety Assessment which must be attached to a statement letter from the Project Director of the High Speed Railway Contractor Consortium (HSRCC)," Risal explained.

Risal emphasized that if the requirements proposed by DJKA are not met, the limited operational trial activities will be terminated. "If in the implementation of the trial, PT KCIC cannot fulfill the requirements that we set, then this limited trial is null and void and we will immediately stop the implementation of this limited trial until all requirements are fulfilled again," Risal concluded. (DA/HJA)

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