• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

In welcoming East-West MRT 1st Stage Development Phase 1, the Joint Stakeholders Started Site Survey

Jakarta (13/11) - The DJKA team, together with joint stakeholders, conducted a site survey of the planned construction of the East-West MRT Line 1st Stage Phase 1 (Tomang-Medan Satria). The field review took place from 6-9 November 2023, with the main focus on analyzing traffic impacts in the Jakarta area along with the mitigation that will be carried out.

DJKA team, together with DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Agency, DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Polda Metro Jaya, and PT Transjakarta conducted site surveys in several segments. The first day of the survey was conducted from Tomang Station to Cideng Station, while the second day at Thamrin Station to Galur Station. Supervision continued on the third day with the location point at Cempaka Baru Station to Perintis Station, and the last day at Penggilingan Station to Ujung Menteng Station. Furthermore, the location survey will be scheduled again with a focus on mitigation for the Bekasi area.

For your information, the East-West MRT is one of the national strategy projects (PSN) which is planned to start construction next year. The East-West MRT will stretch along 84.1 km from Balaraja to Cikarang. In the process, the East-West MRT will be divided into 4 (four) stages of work, namely 1st Stage Phase 1 (Tomang - Medan Satria), 1st Stage Phase 1 (Kembangan - Tomang), Phase 2 East (Medan Satria - Cikarang) and Phase 2 West (Balaraja-Kembangan).

During the signing of the Minutes of Discussion (MoD of Appraisal Mission) of the East - West Corridor MRT Project 1st Stage Phase 1, the Minister of Transportation explained that the construction of MRT mass transportation is under the National Railway Master Plan to improve the mass transportation network and the number of users.

"We must consistently implement various rail-based urban mass transportation developments such as MRT, LRT, and KRL," the Minister said on Saturday, 12 November 2023.

In addition, the Director General of Railways also said that after the signing of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) will immediately complete the administrative requirements of the East-West MRT project.

"The Jakarta MRT East-West corridor will be integrated with the North-South corridor, with a meeting point at Thamrin Station, which is currently under construction," he said. (DPP)

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