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After Eleven Days of Jabodebek LRT Operation, Ministry of Transportation Conducts Evaluation

Jakarta, 7 September 2023 - Since its inauguration on 28 August 2023, Jabodebek LRT has continued to improve its services by the Ministry of Transportation and related stakeholders to follow up on evaluations and input from the public. This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Minister of Transportation, Adita Irawati on Thursday 7 September 2023 in Jakarta.

Adita said that as of Wednesday afternoon, the number of passengers who had been served by the Jabodebek LRT reached 331.947 people. According to Adita, this shows a very high interest in trying LRT Jabodebek and expects the presence of this mode of transportation to be enjoyed by more people.

"Alhamdulillah, so far the feedback we have received is relatively positive, although there are some notes that we need to evaluate regarding the Jabodebek LRT operation," said Adita.

Regarding the evaluation, Adita explained that the follow-up process by relevant stakeholders is still ongoing under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways. "There are 4 (four) main disruptions that we have received reports on, namely related to train doors, passenger information screens, electricity, to operating systems that are being handled by INKA, Jabodebek LRT Division from PT KAI, and related stakeholders, and are targeted to be completed in early September to late October," Adita continued.

Furthermore, Adita said that currently there are 12 trainsets that are operated and ready to serve passengers. The number of trainsets will gradually be added until a total of 31 trainsets are operated, with a formation of 27 trainsets operated to serve passengers, 2 trainsets are carried out heavy maintenance, and 2 trainsets kept in reserve.

"With this number of trains, for now Jabodebek LRT will be operated from 05.00 WIB to 18.58 WIB with a 10-20 minute headway," said Adita. Nonetheless, Adita is optimistic that in the future, LRT Jabodebek can be operated in accordance with the ideal operating pattern with longer operating hours and headways of up to 4-8 minutes when the entire train set has been run in stages so that the public is expected to continue to monitor the Jabodebek LRT schedule.

As for the promotional rates imposed by the Ministry of Transportation, Adita explained that this promo is still valid until 30 September 2023. With this promo, the public will only be charged a basic tariff of Rp 5.000 for all cross-services.


"After this September, we will apply the maximum tariff scheme of Rp 20,000 for all cross-services, but we still open the option to apply promos with other schemes if there is further input," said Adita.


Adita hopes that the PSO subsidy and promo rates provided by the DJKA Ministry of Transportation on the Jabodebek LRT tariff can be utilized properly by the community. "Hopefully the presence of Jabodebek LRT with this subsidized tariff can provide alternative modes of transportation to the community so that they do not depend on private vehicles," Adita concluded. (DA / HJA)

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