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BTP Padang-Ditkes Collaboration to Protect State Assets

Padang- On Wednesday, 24 May 2023, the Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Class II Padang participated in a successful activity named Socialization of Railway Regulatory Counseling, which was hosted by the Directorate of Railway Safety in Bukittinggi. The activity requires of improving stakeholder synergy in network development and maintaining state assets in order to accelerate West Sumatra's economic growth.

On the occasion held in the city nicknamed Parijs van Sumatra, it was also attended by the local governments of nine regencies / cities in West Sumatra, PT KAI (Persero) Divre II West Sumatra, academics, communities and cultural experts, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Mohamad Risal Wasal, Director General of Railways, stated that if possible, the potential of reactivating train lines to various locations in West Sumatra might be addressed again.

"The reactivation of railroad lines to various regions in West Sumatra is a challenge for KAI. We have done the study, we just need to agree together so that the acceleration can be implemented," said Risal.

Apart from improving the community's economy, the potential of railroads in West Sumatra, as stated by Mahyeldi Ansharullah, the Governor of West Sumatra, in his remarks, is also capable of reducing congestion.

"Railways in West Sumatra have a lot of impacts including in reducing congestion and also the need for railway connectivity between modes of transportation in West Sumatra," said the Governor who is often called Buya.

Meanwhile, Director of Railway Safety Erni Basri expressed his gratitude to all lines involved in the activity, considering that the potential of railways owned by West Sumatera is very large and it is unfortunate if these state assets are not maintained.

"We ask for support from the community to jointly maintain railroad assets, starting from the train, station and tunnel. Most importantly, every violation will have sanctions," Erni said.

Head of BTP Padang Supandi also said that this activity really needs to be carried out by inviting all relevant stakeholders including ninik mamak of each region in West Sumatra considering that there are still many people who do not protect railway assets by stealing and carrying out illegal construction on railway assets.

"It is expected that the local government and ninik-mamak (elders) will be able to protect and prevent theft as well as illegal construction on this state asset." "Everything is clear in Law No. 23 of 2007 Article 178 concerning Railways, which states that no one is permitted to construct buildings, walls, fences, embankments, or other structures, plant tall trees, or place goods on the railway track that can interfere with free view and endanger the safety of train travel," Supandi explained.

Then, Sumbar Cultural Expert Musra Dahrizal Katik Rajo Mangkuto expressed his excitement and gratitude for being a part of this activity, saying, "I am delighted to be a part of this activity, but if you want to take any action, it is expected that you conduct a cultural study." If we wish to revitalize the route to Bukittinggi, we need to add a cultural approach," he said.

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