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In Drafting the Regulations Concerning Gondola, DJKA Prioritizes Passenger Safety

Jakarta - The construction of the Cable Car or Gondola is planned to be carried out in several locations in Indonesia. Currently, the Directorate General of Railways is preparing regulations related to the rules for the operation of the cable car.

On Wednesday (9/3) and Thursday (10/3), the Directorate General of Railways team held a coordination meeting, followed by a field review to one of the cable car locations in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) and Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta. The activity was carried out in the context of Accelerating the Drafting of the Regulation of Minister of Transportation related to the cable car as a follow-up to Presidential Decree No. 80 of 2019.

In the inspection, the DJKA Team, consisting of several technical directorates, reviewed the construction of the station building, the support poles between stations, cable lines, operating facilities, the signal system used, the operation of the cable car, and the technical specifications of the cable car facility. The inspection is  done to ensure the safety of train travel is assured.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Feasibility of Railway Operation Facilities, Dedik Tri Istiantara said that until now, DJKA is still preparing RPM related to the cable car.

"The process is still ongoing and technical surveys will be carried out again to locations where the cable car is located. We also cooperate with PT INKA to conduct a joint study," said Dedik.

In addition, Dedik also conveyed the importance of RPM as a clear regulation to support the comfort, security, and safety of cable car service users.

"Obviously, we don't want any incidents or issues that can cause fatal consequences in the operation of this cable car. Therefore, the regulations must be clear for passengers' convenience, security and safety," he explained.

In the future, one of the cable car construction plans will be located in Batu city, Malang. However, before the construction is carried out, DJKA will first finalize the Draft Regulation of the Minister of Transportation, which regulates regulations and standardization related to cable car operations. The cable car RPM, which has been compiled since December 2021, is targeted to be completed soon and is expected to improve safety in cable car use and can overshadow the existence of cable cars in Indonesia.

The DJKA team also held a dialogue regarding the operation and maintenance of the cable car and the introduction of the parts of the train with the cable car managers at TMII and Ancol. The management welcomes the review from DJKA and hopes that the regulations related to the cable car operation can be realized soon for mutual comfort and safety. (DPP)

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