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BTP Padang Launched Learning Center Program to Improve Human Resource Quality

Padang- In order to meet performance objectives, the Balai's functional tasks must be carried out with quality, responsiveness, professionalism, and accountability. As a result, the Class II Padang Railway Engineering Center (BTP) launched the Balai Belajar (Babel) program to sharpen the minds of Balai's Human Resources (HR).

According to the head of BTP Padang Supandi, the Balai Belajar program was developed as a learning platform for all staff. "Every week, each section and section will take turns giving presentations with themes raised from various railroad issues, both in terms of regulations, case findings in the field, technical, to issues that are currently being discussed,"  explained  Supandi as well as the originator of this idea.

Furthermore, it was stated that this Learning Center may be utilized as a vehicle for employees to be creative by providing information that is fascinating, clear, and easy for all participants to grasp. "In addition, all employees can indirectly hone their presentation skills, speaking skills, and even learn to manage a seminar or discussion." This is consistent with BTP Padang's slogan "Rancak" (responsive, accountable, capable)," he added.

On Friday (5/5), the inaugural Balai Belajar program was held at the BTP Padang Office, which is located at the Minangkabau International Airport Station (BIM). The first speaker at that time was Mr. Rio Sandi, from the Administration sub-section with a discussion of 'State Property Management'.

"The Learning Center will be held on a regular basis every Friday, with speakers rotating from the Administration Subdivision, Traffic, Facilities and Safety (LSK) Section, and Infrastructure Section." "It will then go back to the original resource person with a different theme," he stated.

"Today, Br. Akbar from the Infrastructure Section presented the third session of Babel, which focused on the theme 'Intersection and / or Intersection between Railway Lines and Other Buildings."

After Br. Sandy from the LSK Section addressed us with the topic 'Codefication and Numbering of Railway Facilities' the previous week, we learned a lot of new information and each employee from different units became more aware of the concerns of other units. The substance, speaking manner, replying and defending opinions are all excellent. Of course, this is an ongoing process of progress; there are still flaws that must be addressed as we strive for perfection," he explained.

Furthermore, he stated that Babel was simulated a seminar or large conversation, with a host, moderator, and, of course, a resource person. According to the observations, all participants were highly passionate in following the path of the exercise. The talk went quite well, as did the subsequent events.

It is hoped that this program will also be able to provide new knowledge, mastery of regulations and technicalities, and explore the potential of all employees in the BTP Padang environment, because "as regulators, we should understand and master these things in order to carry out our duties properly. "This is a small step toward supporting the Director General of Railways' policy, namely the Year of Revival of DJKA HR." "Hopefully, this Babel can be carried out consistently throughout the balai officer's busy duties, and can be an inspiration for all of us," he said.


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