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The Acceleration of PSN Land Efforts by LMAN on the Construction of the Double Track Railway South of Java Segment Jombang-Wonokromo

Surabaya, 25 August 2023

The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Railways (through the Planning Section) has conducted a meeting related to the PSN Land Acceleration Efforts in Surabaya City which will be conducted for a day. The meeting was held in the context of synergy between stakeholders in order to achieve steps to accelerate land acquisition for the National Strategic Project (PSN) for the Construction of the Southern Java Railway Line for the Jombang - Wonokromo Segment by the State Asset Management Agency (hereinafter abbreviated as LMAN). Surabaya City Government through representatives of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (hereinafter referred to as BPKAD) supports the implementation of this National Strategic Project program.

The previous target in 2022 was not achieved due to development constraints in the field, delays due to covid, and other constraints related to consignment. So it is expected that in 2023 all land acquisition will be completed. All land acquisition issues of the Jombang - Wonokromo railway line are strived to be completed in 2023, if it passes to 2024 it will only be a matter of payment. Therefore, matters related to documentation and legality are also sought to be completed in 2023.

LMAN said that PP No. 19/2021 has been revised to PP No. 39/2023, during the PP revision process, LMAN also revised PMK No. 139 which is the basis for land funding. Then in the process of PMK No. 139, it is currently in the harmonization stage at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and will soon be stipulated. If this PMK has been established, it will help funding related to consignment.

Regarding the Surabaya City Government's asset land in Pagesangan, there are two assets affected by the double-track plan, most of which are still occupied by residents, and these residents have no legal relationship with the City Government. Regarding the blocking, the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP) explained that the blocking can be extended, and according to the target for the Jombang - Wonokromo line, all construction is expected to be completed in 2024. Penlok from the Governor from 2019 until now has been issued four times in a total. The Penlok issued by the Governor, has obtained a decree from the Head of the East Java Provincial BPN office dated August 16 concerning the assignment of the Head of the Surabaya City Land Office I as the chief executive of land acquisition. Regarding land acquisition for the Jombang-Wonokromo double track railway, there are 92 plots of land in total (50 plots in Pagesangan Agung, 41 plots in Pagesangan Asri, and 1 plot in Kebonsari).

PUPR land affected by the construction of the double-track crossing project will be submitted to the center first for further action. BTP Surabaya explained that the line from Jakarta-Sepanjang and the line from Wonokromo-Gubeng have been double-tracked, only one plot of the southern Java crossing which is approximately 7 Km long from Sepanjang - Wonokromo has not been connected. So that can be the basis of how important this land acquisition.

Surabaya City Government is still working intensively with law enforcement officials related to assets that have not yet received legality in Pagesangan. For the certification process is still in the stage of assistance with the Surabaya City Attorney. Regarding land disputes that still have buildings, consignment is currently being carried out. In addition, socialization and deliberation will also be carried out and provide alternative compensation payments to the community regarding residents' land that already has buildings. It is hoped that the resolution of all these problems can run well and be resolved according to the set target.

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