• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


On Saturday 17 June 2023, Palembang Mayor H. Harnojoyo took the South Sumatra LRT to the Palembang City DPRD Building to attend a special plenary meeting of the Palembang City DRPD. The mayor of Palembang was directly welcomed by Rode Paulus, the Head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center, who was joined by Aditya Yunianto, the Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section, and his staff. At 09.30 a.m., the party arrived at Bumi Sriwijaya LRT Station.

The mayor and BPKARSS were both dressed in traditional Palembang attire. Furthermore, the officials at the station dressed in Palembang traditional clothing. This is due to the fact that today marks the 1340th anniversary of Palembang City.

The Mayor of Palembang welcomed all Palembang residents to use the LRT on a daily basis. 

"I expect people in Palembang City who want to travel to utilize the advantage of our LRT transportation, which is safe, comfortable, and cool on the inside."

The South Sumatra LRT currently operates from 05.05 to 20.43. It also travels via 13 stations. Furthermore, the South Sumatra LRT has been connected with the BTS Bus and Feeder LRT. This makes it easy for individuals to utilize the LRT on a daily basis.

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