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Railway Maintenance Bulletin Special Edition Kaleidoscope 2023

Praise be to God, Alhamdulillah are the words that deserve to be said for the achievements of the Railway Maintenance bulletin in 2023. 2023 is the debut year for the Railway Maintenance bulletin in terms of managing internal media publications, so that it can still be developed more optimally in the years to come.

This Kaleidoscope 2023 edition is a special edition bulletin at the end of 2023. This edition contains a review of the activities of the Railway Maintenance Center (Baperka) through selected articles that describe the activities and performance of the Railway Maintenance Center throughout 2023.

The Railway Maintenance Center has the task of supporting train travel operations and ensuring travel safety, so maintenance must be carried out on every railway facility according to the schedule and period. Apart from being determined by human resources, the availability of spare parts or components, the quality of maintenance results will also be largely determined by the availability of work equipment, inspection tools, location, condition and supporting facilities.

Maintenance activities cannot be separated from inspection work on railway equipment components. Maintenance is an activity directed at a goal to ensure the functional continuity of a production system or equipment, so that the desired results are obtained.

Maintenance implementation is considered successful if the system can carry out its function according to plan and does not experience damage while the system is functioning, or continues to function before the planned time period. This is one of the duties of the Railway Maintenance Center to ensure whether the facility is SO (Ready for Operation) or TSO (Not Ready for Operation).

The policy in determining the scope of maintenance of railway facilities, especially trains, is carried out by considering several things, namely 1) instructions or instructions from the manufacturer (manual instructions), 2) Laws or regulations and government technical instructions, 3) Experience of the railway company.

From the three things above, the type of routine maintenance required and the maintenance interval for each type of railway facility can be determined.

#FriendsofBaperka, apart from maintenance matters, various institutional activities are interesting because they are related to strengthening stakeholders, then the governance that has been carried out in the organization. Apart from that, the topic of increasing human resource competency in the railway sector will be a fairly central discussion in 2023 in supporting the implementation of maintenance tasks.

Finally, we, as the media team at the Railway Maintenance Center, also apologize if there are writing errors or words that are not pleasing to readers.

Railway Maintenance Bulletin Special Edition Kaleidoscope 2023
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