The advancement of technology has resulted in the emergence of new habits in people's daily lives. It is crucial for individuals to use technology wisely to promote positive interaction and communication. However, the widespread dissemination of information through various channels can have negative impacts on individuals and groups. The practice of unidirectional anonymous information sharing must be prevented and discouraged among technology users, particularly those who receive such information.
In the 2021 book titled "The Role of Digital Literacy in Pandemic Times," Digital Literacy is defined as "the knowledge and skills necessary for users to effectively utilize digital media, such as communication tools and internet networks." The skills of digital literacy encompass the ability to locate, evaluate, create, and utilize digital media wisely, intelligently, carefully, and appropriately based on its intended purpose. According to the Indonesian National Digital Literacy Index Survey, Indonesia is currently in the medium category of digital literacy, with a score of 3.49 out of 5.00. This data reveals that 30.2% of individuals in Indonesia still lack digital literacy skills.
Digital Literacy for the Government Sector
Digital literacy in the government sector is an initiation in accelerating digital transformation in various Indonesian government institutions or agencies. The application of good digital literacy in a government order will make everyone who is included in the scope more critical. One of them is for public services, because services will be more digitally integrated. This is an acceleration of the vision and mission of government agencies in order to improve the performance and quality of digital community services.
The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is an actor of State development through various ASN agencies that have an important role in the development and development of the country. That is by ensuring the running of all development programs that have been planned by the government. National development that is carried out properly will have an impact on many areas of people's lives, economic growth, poverty alleviation, improving the quality of education, improving the quality of bureaucracy and government services, improving the environment and so on.
The importance of ASN capabilities in implementing digital literacy, one of which is in disseminating information on social media. The information published must contain truth accompanied by facts. The information posted must also look at the level of sensitivity to prevent the emergence of negative content. The government through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) formed the Digital Literacy Road Map 2020 - 2024. There are four pillars that form the framework, including digital capability, digital ethics, digital security, and digital culture. These aspects are the ideal components to define the formation of people's digital literacy skills. The four pillars of digital literacy, when implemented, will be able to tackle the spread of negative information or content. Digital Culture is interpreted as being able to build national insight in interacting in the digital space. Digital skills "understand ICT hardware and software as well as digital operating systems; digital ethic is able to adjust to think rationally and prioritize netikel; and digital safety is able to increase awareness of personal data protection and security. (Kemkominfo)
In this case, ASN is expected to be able to be at the forefront in implementing the four pillars of digital literacy. When having qualified digital skills, ASN is required to be able to reduce the spread of negative content and even hoax information spread on social media or other digital platforms. In addition, ASN is also required to maintain the security of personal data and select any information received or published. This can be achieved when ASN pays attention to digital use in everyday life and at work such as not using unclear public WiFi, and not easily giving permission for platform publishers to access information data contained in a device. [sfw]
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