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Central Station Construction is in Final Stage Passenger Flow Path at Manggarai Station is Altered

Jakarta (12/10) - The Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation ensures that the completion of the construction of Manggarai Central Station continues. As of Thursday 12 October 2023, the work progress has entered the final stage of construction of platforms 1, 2, and 3 of Manggarai Station and construction of the 1st floor concourse area on the east side.

Director General of Railways Risal Wasal said that to support this work, DJKA will make several adjustments to passenger access at Manggarai Station. "We will close the passenger crossing on the south side so that we can complete the construction of platform I, and connect platforms II and III," Risal said in Jakarta on Thursday 12 October 2023.

Risal explained, as an alternative, a temporary passenger crossing access will be provided for passengers passing through the at grade area or the ground floor of Manggarai Station. In addition, the first floor concourse area will also be operated by opening partitions in the new Manggarai Station building.

"We are also preparing elevator access to platform I to support passenger accessibility as compensation for the closure of the south side passenger crossing," Risal continued.

Risal further said that prior to the closure, preparations for new access will be carried out on 10-12 October 2023, and a joint check between DJKA and a team from PT KAI on 12 October 2023 before the transfer of passenger access on 14 October 2023. In this case, preparations will include demolition of partitions, installation of ramp access at temporary passenger crossings, and activation of the elevator to platform I.

"During the work process, we hope that the railroad service users can comply with the officer's directions and do not need to rush when doing activities around the project area in order to maintain our common safety," Risal said.

The same thing was also conveyed by KAI Commuter President Director Asdo Artriviyanto that the closure of the south side passenger crossing during the Manggarai Station construction process was to ensure the safety of users in the station area.

"The existing passenger crossing is still in line with the railroad track, this can endanger the safety of users in the station area when crossing the railroad track and the safety of users during the construction process of Manggarai Station construction." Asdo explained.

Later users who will exit or enter the station from the East door can go through the temporary passenger crossing access on the ground floor of Manggarai Station and go to the 1st floor of the station. KAI Commuter will also alert officers at peak hours to direct and regulate the flow of users when going out and/or entering the station.

"Commuter Line users who will enter and exit Manggarai Station from the East will be more assured of their safety to go to or from the direction of platform lines 6-7 or platform line 8." Asdo concluded.

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