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Head of BTP Padang's Contribution to Advancing Railways in West Sumatera, Governor Appreciates

Press Release of Class II Railway Engineering Center Padang


Padang-Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi Ansharullah represented by the Head of the West Sumatra Provincial Transportation Office Dedy Diantolani appreciated the performance of the Class II Padang Railway Engineering Center (BTP) during the leadership of Mr. Supandi as Head of BTP Padang for the term of June 2022-January 2024. This was revealed when attending the Head of BTP Padang's Farewell and Welcoming Ceremony on Monday 22 January 2024.

"We are very proud that so far BTP Padang has contributed a lot to railways in West Sumatra, starting from the revitalization of several stations, reactivation of lines, improving safety facilities and others in order to provide the best service for the people of West Sumatra," said Mr. Dedy in his speech Monday night.

But he said, of course there is still a lot of homework to be done such as how to make trains the main mode of transportation that will be used by anyone, anywhere even for vacation and homecoming. 

"This homework will be continued by new officials to deal with problems in West Sumatera including theft cases. This must all be investigated thoroughly and thank God many cases have been resolved until the perpetrators are punished," he said.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Mr. Supandi as the previous Head of BTP Padang expressed his gratitude to all relevant stakeholders who have made efforts and are willing to work together in overcoming the challenges of railways in West Sumatra to advance railways in West Sumatra.

"Alhamdulillah, 1 year and 7 months I set foot in Ranah Minang, some of Office's dreams have been achieved by making various improvements to infrastructure and safety. But in addition to the achievements that have been made, our homework, namely the reactivation of inactive lines, is also important to do, such as the Padang Panjang-Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh line which has great potential for reactivation. However, due to geographical conditions, gradients, land tenure, and limited facilities, reactivation is still far from being imagined," he explained.

Not to forget, Mr. Supandi, who currently serves as Head of the Auxiliary Facilities for Navigation, Shipping, and Fleet of Disnav Class I Palembang, welcomed the new Head of the Center, Mr. Endang Setiawan, who is expected to bring an increase in the performance of BTP Padang with stronger cohesiveness and cooperation.

"Thank you to all those who have supported in advancing railways in West Sumatra including all BTP Padang staff. I am proud to have been part of the history of BTP Padang," he said.

Endang Setiawan as the new Head of the Hall asked for support from all invited guests who attended the Farewell event to be able to continue to work together so that during his leadership in the future, railways in West Sumatra could increasingly go in a more positive direction by minimizing the number of accidents at level crossings and others.

"For that, I ask for support from Mr. Supandi, ladies and gentlemen, and colleagues of BTP Padang so that we can jointly carry out this mandate because, without your support, I cannot carry out this mandate properly. For that, let us work together to get better results. (RAM)

Public Relations of Padang Railway Engineering Center


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