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Stakeholders must fully support railway reactivation in West Sumatra

KBRN, Bukittinggi: The West Sumatra Provincial Government supports the Minang railway restoration effort. Railway reactivation is one of the options for dealing with issues such as traffic congestion.

This was stated by Buya Mahyeldi Ansharullah, Governor of West Sumatra, as he opened the Railway Regulatory Counseling Activity "Railway Network Connectivity Development Plan in West Sumatra Province on Wednesday (24-5-2023). In front of the participants of the activity held at the Bung Hatta Palace Hall Bukittinggi, the governor said that his party saw and proved the performance movements carried out by the Directorate General of Railways in collaboration with the ranks to realize the reactivation of this land transportation mode. In reality, his delegation met directly with the Director General of Railways and discussed the continuation of the railway reactivation program with regional heads.

"We feel hopeful when those of us in West Sumatra see the Director General's movements and the ranks of railways in West Sumatra, we are very encouraged." That is why, when we discussed with numerous mayors in West Sumatra, I immediately called the Director General of Railways on multiple occasions," he stated.

The train is claimed to have a long history in West Sumatra, and remnants of its past can still be seen in the countryside; the potential that exists may be exploited to improve the overall welfare of the community."As we utilize the potentials that we have, we present improvements in community welfare." Mr. Director General, and ladies and gentlemen who attended the Bukittinggi Railway Regulation Counseling events. I believe we are already acquainted due to the lengthy history of railways in West Sumatra. Because the proof is still present and genuine in front of us in West Sumatra," he explained.
Congestion is an enduring issue in West Sumatra, according to Buya Mahyeldi, and a solution is needed to address it. If the momentum of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri is studied, a variety of actions are attempted to unravel the congestion, but with train reactivation being the solution to the problem, the existence of existing railroad lines may have functioned.

"Well, what we face a common problem annually is the problem of congestion, at certain times as well as during Eid yesterday, we are trying to unravel the congestion, we need to make alternative efforts to answer the problem, one of which is the reactivation of trains with the existence of existing railroad lines," he stated.

His party really appreciates the Directorate General of Railways' performance and devotion to provide the greatest transportation services to the people. People in Padang City have seen the benefits of trains, thus railroad lines and roads that intersect railroad lines must be monitored.
"The West Sumatra Provincial Government welcomes the Directorate General of Railways' railway reactivation program." It is addressed by revamping stations and railroad lines. Then there's oversight, as well as the presence of arterial highways and railroad tracks. For example, it is particularly noticeable in Padang City. So, on behalf of the West Sumatra Provincial Government, we sincerely appreciate the performance of the Directorate General of Railways and convey our heartfelt appreciation," he stated.

The West Sumatra Provincial Government advocates for the reinstatement of trains from Padang Panjang to Bukittinggi. Furthermore, there must be a major growth in interest in the use of airport trains.

"We acknowledge the existence of a functioning train, such as from Padang to Pariaman, and the airport train has alleviated congestion." Congestion is becoming a concern from Padang Pariaman to Padang Panjang City and Bukittinggi. However, we observe how the public is always provided information to stimulate interest in utilizing airport train transportation services, because it has not been as predicted thus far," he noted.

He requested the Regents and Mayors who are involved in the railway line's existence to fully support the railway reactivation initiative in their coordinating region.

"We are ready for the Director General to follow up on the railway reactivation program in West Sumatra, as well as the existing railway line to Bukittinggi can function and function again. We ask the Regent and Mayor to support this railway reactivation program," he said.

It is well known that the Railway Regulation Counseling Activity, which was held at the Bung Hatta Palace Hall Bukittinggi, featured presenters such as the Director General of Railway Safety Ir. Erni Basri, ST, M, ENG, IPM, ASEAN Eng, an activity report submitted by the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Prevention and Law Enforcement Dr. Yohn Ferry, SE, MT, and statements from cultural figures and traditional Minangkabau artists Musra Da A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was also signed during this activity between the Directorate General of Railways and the Mayors of Padang, Pariaman, Sawahlunto, Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Padang Pariaman Regent, Solok Regent, and Tanah Regent.

Source : https://www.rri.co.id/bukittinggi/nasional/244645/reaktivasi-kereta-api-di-sumbar-harus-didukung-penuh-stakeholder

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