• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

New Entrance Access to Manggarai Station, After Operation of the New Manggarai Station Building

Jakarta, 11 December 2023 – The Jakarta Class I Railway Engineering Center officially operates a new building on the east side of Manggarai Station. This building is expected to increase the efficiency and comfort of thousands of passengers who pass through this central station every day.

The construction of this new building is part of DJKA's efforts through the Jakarta Class I Railway Engineering Center to continue to improve transportation infrastructure, especially in Jakarta, in line with rapid population growth and increasing mobility needs. This new building not only displays a modern architectural design, but also functions well to meet the needs of passengers in the concourse area.

Starting Saturday 9 December 2023, access to and from Manggarai Station from the East side will all be through this new building. Previously, the entry and exit access to East Manggarai Station was closed for the next stage of the station construction process.

The building on the new East side provides 9 electronic gates and counters, and this area leads directly to the concourse area on the East side of the Station with access to two front lifts, escalators and manual stairs. One of the main advantages of this new building is its integration with various means of transportation. Passengers arriving at Manggarai Station can easily switch transportation to TransJakarta buses, taxis and online motorbike taxis. This not only shortens travel time, but also creates better connectivity in the transportation system in the Manggarai Station area.

This new building is also expected to slightly reduce the density at Manggarai Station due to the expansion of the concourse area or passenger transfer area, so as to increase public accessibility in the Manggarai Station area.

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