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Morning Assembly: A Moment to Boost ASN Performance at BTP Padang

Padang - In order to improve the discipline and work spirit among the officials at the Class II Railway Technical Centre (BTP) Padang, regular morning assemblies are held to increase the enthusiasm and motivation of the employees to work better.

The assembly, which is held once a week on Wednesdays, is attended by all BTP Padang officials and staff in the courtyard of the BTP Padang office.

"This is something we need to do to improve the discipline of the BTP Padang family," said Hendrialdi, head of BTP Padang, in his statement.

In addition to improving performance and discipline, Hendrialdi mentioned that the morning assembly, which includes a message from the assembly leader, helps synchronise tasks and responsibilities among employees. "By holding regular meetings, we hope that the government's performance will be more optimal and effective than before," he added.

He went on to explain that during his tenure as head of BTP Padang, the morning assembly has become a regular tradition, more than just a ceremony, with many benefits amidst the hustle and bustle of office activities.

"We need to maintain morale amidst the heavy workload and targets to be achieved. That's why efforts to keep employees motivated and focused, such as the morning assembly, are necessary," he said.

Public Relations, Padang Railway Technical Centre


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