• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

BTP Padang Conducts Inventory of Accident Prone Level Crossings

Padang-In order to improve safety at the Lubuk Alung-Kayutanam level crossing, the Class II Padang Railway Engineering Center (BTP) conducts routine activities, namely the inventory of railroad crossings in West Sumatra (West Sumatera) to reduce the number of accidents that are still rampant.

The Head of Traffic, Facilities and Safety Section Aslinawani Sirait said that this field review was included in the follow-up of the mitigation that occurred in two locations across Lubuk Alung-Kayutanam, which occurred in early 2024.

"We conducted a field review to see where the temperance-prone crossings are, where the crowded areas are, and where illegal crossings are deliberately opened by the local community, which can endanger train travel and the community itself," she said.

Data in 2023, a total of 90 level crossings over Lubuk Alung-Kayutanam with details on the Lubuk Alung-Sicincin plot there are 37 crossings (29 unregistered crossings, 1 registered crossing guarded, and 7 registered crossings not guarded). On the Sicincin-Kayutanam plot, there are 53 level crossings (49 unregistered crossings and 4 unguarded registered crossings). At the beginning of 2024, 2 (two) illegal level crossings have been closed.

"The inventory we are currently conducting is to see if there are more illegal level crossings opened by the community, as well as to see which level crossings will be improved by installing door bars or JPL posts for the safety of the people in West Sumatra," he continued.

He also hopes that when safety facilities are improved later, the public's understanding of their safety must also be improved by obeying the traffic rules and always applying BERTEMAN, which is stop, look left-right, safe, road. (RAH)

Public Relations of Padang Railway Engineering Center


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