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The Ministry of Transportation's Tariff Implementation Evaluation Apply New Jabodebek LRT Promo Fare

Jakarta (21/10) - The Ministry of Transportation has set changes to the Jabodebek LRT promo fare to optimize services on weekends. This is in accordance with the results of the Jabodebek LRT service evaluation submitted by the Ministry of Transportation on Saturday 21 October 2023.

"Based on the results of our evaluation in the field, we feel the need to make tariff changes to accommodate and provide wider opportunities for people who have not tried LRT Jabodebek, especially for those who want to travel and travel using this mode on weekends," Adita said in Jakarta on Saturday.

Director General of Railways, Risal Wasal said that after the evaluation, it was revealed that Jabodebek LRT passengers were dominated (70,81%) by passengers who used this mode of transportation with a distance of 12-33 kilometers (km). Most of these passenger groups are passengers who have to pay the maximum tariff for the farthest distance.

"Therefore, we consider that the upper limit of the Jabodebek LRT maximum tariff can be lowered so that it does not burden long-distance passengers who are the majority customers of this service," Risal explained.

The promo fare that will be enforced as of Sunday 22 October 2023 until the end of February 2024 includes a 50% discount for the maximum limit on weekends and public holidays. With the implementation of this promo, the Jabodebek LRT fare that applies on weekends is Rp 3.000,- for the first kilometer and Rp 700,- for each subsequent kilometer with a maximum fare of Rp 10.000,-.

"Meanwhile, for weekdays, the tariff scheme used is still in accordance with the current tariff, which is Rp 3,000,- for the first kilometer and Rp 700,- for each subsequent kilometer and a maximum tariff of Rp 20,000,-," said Risal.

Regarding the achievements of Jabodebek LRT transportation, Risal said that since it began operating on 28 August 2023 until 11 October 2023, this service has carried 2.006.588 passengers. "We are optimistic that after the implementation of this fare, there will be a significant increase in the number of passengers on the Jabodebek LRT service," Risal concluded. (DA/HJA)

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