• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Bogor, 4-7 October 2023

The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Railways (through the Planning Division) has held a meeting related to the Discussion of Performance Reporting for the Third Quarter of 2023 in Work Units within the Directorate General of Railways which took place for 3 days.

The meeting was held to determine the progress of filling performance reports (e-Monev Bappenas, e-SAKIP Reviu, e-Performance and SILAKI) and discuss the performance achievements of the work units.  In addition, joint coordination was also carried out to align  the perception regarding the concept of the Performance Monitoring Report for the Third Quarter of 2023.

The meeting began with the opening of the Head of Planning Section of the Secretariat of the Directorate of Railways, followed by the awarding of work units related to Performance Achievement and Performance Reporting Compliance for the First and Second Quarter of 2023.

Ranking the working units with average performance according to the first quarter 2023 monitoring report, ranked first is the General Department of Security, second  is the Semarang Level I Construction Directorate and third is the Board of Directors. facilities director. BTP Type I Bandung, ranked first, is followed by the General Department of Security and then BTC Type II Surabaya in compliance with the initial quarter implementation criteria.

The ranking of Work Units with average Performance Achievement based on the Monitoring Report for the Second Quarter of 2023 is the Directorate General of Railways for the first rank, then the second rank is the Directorate of LLAKA and the third rank is the Directorate of Railway Infrastructure. As for Compliance with Filling Performance Applications for Quarter II, there is the Directorate of Safety, BTP Class I Semarang, and BTP Class I Surabaya.

The activity continued with the Submission of Exposure Material for Performance Reporting TW III Year 2023 in Work Units within the Directorate General of Railways by the Head of Evaluation and Reporting, Planning Section, Setditjen Perkerapian with the core discussion of identifying low-performing performance indicators based on the Results of Performance Evaluation of Performance Monitoring Reports for Quarter I and Quarter II Year 2023 from each Work Unit. Then the identification of the average Compliance of Performance Monitoring Reporting in Quarter I and Quarter II of 2023 from each Work Unit. Next is the calculation of the Budget Performance Value on SMART, followed by a Discussion of Performance Achievements and the Preparation of Performance Monitoring Reports for the Third Quarter of 2023 and the Progress of Filling in the Bappenas e-Monev Application, e-SAKIP Review, e-Performance and SILAKI from the Technical Directorate and all Balai work units.

It was expected that  this activity will encourage all working units in the General Department of Railways to achieve a good governance system.

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