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Inauguration of Phase I Manggarai Station by the President of the Republic of Indonesia

Jakarta – (26/12) The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) personally inspected the Manggarai station as well as attended the ceremonial inauguration of the development of the first phase of the Manggarai station. This inspection was accompanied by several Indonesian Ministers who also attended, namely the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of PPN/Head of Bappenas Suharso, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, to Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono.

The President said Manggarai Station is one of the busiest stations in Indonesia. "Today I will inaugurate the development of Manggarai Station which is one of the stations with the busiest train traffic in Indonesia. Every day this station serves KRL commuter line stops for Jakarta Kota, Tanah Abang and Bekasi with very heavy traffic and passengers," he said at Manggarai Station, South Jakarta, Monday (26/12/2022).

That way, carrying out the construction of the Manggarai Station is a form of the government's commitment to developing rail transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, especially in areas with dense populations. A little information, approximately 1.2 million commuters in and out of Jakarta using the KRL, where the commuterline service always passes past this Manggarai station.
Jokowi also said, "The development of this station is very important to increase the frequency and headway of train travel, increase accessibility and mobility of people from Jakarta to other supporting cities and vice versa, increase airport train services to Soekarno-Hatta airport and integrate various modes of transportation. other public services such as Transjakarta, online motorcycle taxis, bajaj, and others,".

After Switch Over 5 Manggarai, Manggarai station is indeed a KRL transit center from all directions in the Jabodetabek area, even for long-distance trains, inter-city and airport trains also exist and pass through the Manggarai station area.

In addition, Jokowi hopes that the community will be helped by the development of facilities at the Manggarai station. Starting from the integration and connectivity perspective, the Manggarai station is expected to change the face of public transportation for the better.

"And with better and more integrated facilities, connectivity will get better, people's mobility and activities will be smoother and more efficient and people will be happier using mass transportation, using public transportation," Jokowi said.

With the development of the station facilities, it is also hoped that it will be able to accommodate more KRL trips, airport trains, KAJJ and Intercity trains that are connected to other modes of transportation. (sf)

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