• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


Wednesday, 11 October 2023, the Jakarta Class I Railway Engineering Center conducted a Safety Socialization and Safety Riding at level crossings across the Bogor Service Unit with friends from Universitas Pancasila, Faculty of Engineering, Railway Engineering Department. In this Socialization Activity we discuss the Importance of Safety when Crossing Level Crossings, and Safety Riding. 

Increasing railway safety at level crossings has been regulated in Law Number 23/2007 concerning Railways as amended by Law Number 11/2020 concerning Job Creation, Government Regulation Number 72/2009 concerning Railway Traffic and Transportation as amended by Government Regulation Number 61/2016 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 72/2009 concerning Railway Traffic and Transportation and Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 24/2015 concerning Railway Safety Standards.

Lack of awareness of road users about traffic at level crossings is the biggest cause of accidents at railroad crossings. The importance of conducting safety socializations to reduce the potential for accidents at level crossings, fully improve traffic safety and security at level crossings, and raise awareness among road users.

This activity is one of a series of Safety Socialization activities organized by the Directorate of Railway Safety with the theme "BERTEMAN" Berhenti, Tengok Kiri Kanan, Aman, Jalan (Stop, Look left and right, Safe, Go.) on 20-23 September 2023.

This socialization also participated in the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University and its staff, Directorate of Railway Safety, Director of Road Transportation Facilities for Land Transportation.

The purpose and objective of the activity in question is to provide understanding and awareness to the public about the importance of safety at level crossings and encourage people to be aware of the importance of obeying traffic rules at level crossings. As well as realizing safety, security, comfort, and maintaining driving and traffic at the intersection of roads (railway crossings) in general, as well as the safety of train travel in particular.

Location The implementation of Safety Socialization and Safety Riding Simulation activities at level crossings is carried out in two locations according to the activity agenda, among others:

1) Socialization of activities carried out with the concept of forums and general discussions to student participants of the Pancasila University Railway Department in the Multimedia Room - 4th floor Engineering Building, Pancasila University - South Jakarta.

2) Counseling activities and field observations at the Level Crossing with participants from Bogor Railway Service Unit, Railway Facilities and Safety Section - BTP Jakarta and Students and Lecturers from Pancasila University at Level Crossing JPL 23 KM'sp 25+527 Lintas UP-UI Lenteng Agung - South Jakarta.

This activity is focused on understanding the community in general and activity participants (students of Pancasila University) in particular about the meaning, purpose, and function of the Level Crossing as well as developing a sense of responsibility for participants to cross and drive at the intersection of railroad roads safety and safely.

Always remember "BERTEMAN" Stop, Look left and right, Safe, Go.

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