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Minimizing Accident Rate Ahead of Eid, BTP Padang Conducted Safety Socialization

Padang-On Wednesday afternoon (19 April 2023) at level crossings, the Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Padang conducted safety socialization. This effort, in collaboration with PT KAI (Persero) Divre II West Sumatra, intends to reduce the frequency of accidents at level crossings ahead of Lebaran 2023 M/1444 H.

 Head of BTP Padang Supandi said that this activity was carried out in accordance with Law No. 27/2007 concerning Railways, Law No. 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, PP No. 72/2009 concerning Railway Traffic and Transportation and PM No. 94/2018 concerning Safety Improvement of Level Crossings between Railways and Roads.

"Accidents at level crossings in West Sumatra are still significant because of the community's lack of discipline in traffic," Supandi said during a socialization session at JPL 07 KM 6+8/9 Lintas Padang-Bukit Putus.

Furthermore, he said, the activity was at least able to remind the public about the importance of obeying traffic rules and signs because if an accident occurs at the crossing, it will harm many parties.

"Don't forget to always BERTEMAN (Stop, Look Right, Left, Safe, Go) and keep prioritizing train travel," he continued.

On the same occasion, Vice President of PT KAI (Persero) Divre II West Sumatra Sofan Hidayah said that road users who cross at level crossings must increase their concern for human life.

 "Don't get dragged by the train, so that the train can run smoothly," he said.

 Collaborating with several other relevant stakeholders such as the West Sumatra Transportation Agency, Padang City Transportation Agency, PT Jasa Raharja Cab. Padang, TNI / POLRI, Train Lovers and others, socialization is carried out by giving directions to motorists, unfurling banners, attaching safety stickers to stopped vehicles, and giving souvenirs.

 BTP Padang Public Relations, (SPN/HH)

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